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Reishi coffee health benefits!

Reishi coffee is made by combining regular coffee beans with extract from the reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum).

Reishi mushrooms (also known by their Chinese name, lingzhi mushrooms) have been used in traditional medical practices throughout Asia.
The rarity of the mushroom meant that its use was isolated to the wealthy and royal, but reishi mushrooms can now be cultivated at a lower cost. This has led to a dramatic increase in the amount of reishi used both in foods and in supplements.
Other products have emerged, including reishi coffees and teas, which are touted to provide the health benefits attributed to the mushroom, but without the bitter taste. What are the supposed benefits of Reishi mushroom coffee and how do you make?

HOW IT WORKS:Traditional Chinese immune modulator
Promotes healthy blood pressure & cholesterol
Anti-oxidant used for anti-aging benefits

Between 400 - 1800 mg per day

Rated  Safe

It could be said to much of anything is bad for you everything in moderation!

more than 2000 years, reishi mushroom mycelium and fruiting bodies have been used in traditional medicinal systems, such as traditional Chinese medicine, to holistically normalize human health.
Advocates claim that adding reishi decoctions and/or tinctures to coffee may help improve health and combat a number of disorders.
However, there has been no research focusing on the therapeutic benefits of reishi coffee. While the effects of the coffee are being studied widely for anti-aging potential, reishi mushroom has also attracted scientific attention in the hopes of identifying its active constituents and mechanisms of action.
In laboratory and animal studies, reishi mushroom has been observed to exhibit antiviral, anticancer, antihypertensive, cardioprotective, antidiabetic and immunomodulating properties.
While some preliminary results are promising, there are no FDA recommendations concerning the precise therapeutic capacities of Ganoderma lucidum.
Reishi Mushroom Uses
The health effects of reishi coffee remain unknown. However, components of reishi mushrooms are being studied for a number of possible health benefits.
In rodent and other animal tests, reishi mushroom extract has been observed to:
Improve tolerance to chemotherapy and radiation treatments;
Increase the number of immune systems constituents that can act against tumor cells;
Inhibit tumor cells from metastasizing;
Slow metalloproteinase production to limit tumor cell actions and proliferation;
Increase the signaling strength of mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK);
Elevate antioxidant concentrations in plasma samples;
Make the ovaries more sensitive to the effects of cisplatin (a chemotherapy agent) and reduce cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity;
The impact of reishi extracts on tumor development is likely due to a number of different actions. For instance, preliminary research indicates reishi extract may act as a potent immunomodulator and may help reduce free radical damage caused by oxidation.
While anticancer and chemo preventive actions of reishi mushrooms continue to garner scientific attention, human trials are lacking and it is not clear if these effects will be observed in a human population.

Cardiovascular Disease
Reishi extract may help support cardiovascular health via a number of mechanisms. Heart disease remains a significant health issue in the United States and throughout the world.
The most prevalent cause of heart disease is coronary artery disease, a blanket term for all diseases and conditions that affect the blood vessels, the heart muscle and its ability to deliver adequate blood supplies throughout the body.
Reishi may help improve circulatory efficiency and reduce fatty acids in the bloodstream. The main cause of coronary artery disease is hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis) brought on by the accumulation of fatty acid deposits (plaque) on the arterial walls.
These accumulations build up inside the arteries and restrict blood flow. When blood flow is restricted, fewer nutrients get delivered throughout the body. This nutrient deprivation is believed to lead to the eventual wearing down of the heart muscle due to excessive strain.
Preclinical studies of reishi extract suggest it may help reduce some of the risk factors associated with heart disease. Reishi has been observed to:
Exhibit antiviral and antibacterial effects that may protect the heart valves and muscle from harmful infections;
Reduce oxygen use by the heart, allowing increased oxygen delivery throughout the body;
Lower levels of LDL cholesterol, total cholesterol and triglycerides;
Elevate HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels;
Dislodge blood clots and flush away arterial plaque deposits for filtration via the liver;
Improve erythrocyte (red blood cell) health;
Limit the aggregation of blood platelets, which may reduce symptoms of clotting disorders;
Increase hemoglobin production;
Regulate the expenditure of mitochondrial energy within the heart muscle;
Exhibit adaptogenic properties that assist with effective stress management;

reishi mushroom ( Ganoderma lucidum) is a fungus from the family Ganodermataceae.
It is also known by its Chinese name lingzhi and has historically been used in traditional medicine practices throughout Asia. Reishi extract is used to improve overall vitality and boost the immune system.

Parasites survive on living organisms whereas saprotrophs feed on decaying matter. In the case of reishi mushrooms, they can commonly be found on decaying hardwood trees or stumps.
The mycelium and fruit of reishi are used to make teas, tinctures, decoctions and other forms of medicine.

Contemporary research has focused on the constituents of the reishi mushroom to better understand its possible therapeutic uses and mechanisms of action. Extracts of the mushroom have been investigated for a number of possible therapeutic actions, including anti-cancer and immunomodulating effects.
Research is preliminary and there is insufficient evidence to attribute any therapeutic roles to reishi mushrooms based only on scientific study.

Reishi mushroom benefits range from lowering blood pressure to inhibiting tumor growth, as well as decreasing LDL cholesterol and reducing the symptoms of asthma.
This mushroom contains a class of triterpenes, referred to as ganoderic acids, which have similar structures to natural steroid hormones. The mushroom is also a source of polysaccharides including beta-glucan, coumarin and mannitol.
Recorded use of the mushroom dates back to the Han Dynasty in China between 206 BCE-220 CE. It was said to improve the function of the lungs, the heart, the memory and to generally prolong life. Today, Reishi is commonly made into teas, used as a tincture or taken orally in powdered form or as a dietary supplement.  Try Junaco Reishi Black Coffee with 100% Certified Juncao Ganoderma Extract today

The Mug factory



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